To Develop A Great Base Tan:
How is your Tan going?
Dark? Dark as you want to be? You know with the weather
improving and the fourth of July just around the corner
the opportunity to go outside in the sun, sun bathing,
swimming well you know what I mean can invite sunburn and
unwanted looks at those white legs.
It would be a pretty good idea to try to get a nice base
tan prior to going to the beach, river or pool. Despite
what in the Pacfic Northwest was considered normal for
tanning (go outside get burnt, peel and then turn Tan)
it is not good for you, it is not comfortable and it is
actually a pain. So my best suggestion would be to come
to the salon and enjoy tanning at least every other day
or so while you are developing a nice base tan. Every other
day will work for some while others need maybe every third
day. You won't gain by trying to tan when you are pink
so before you go tanning make sure you are not a little
pink from a previous session. Doing this process correctly
will actually help you develop a tan faster. Keep in mind if
you are already a person with a good base tan what I just wrote
really does not apply. I am trying to help those of you who
are not tan and are likely to go outside and over do the exposure
to UV light thing that so often happens and really shouldn't.
The rest
of you who actually have good base tans and even more, my
advise to you is to keep doing what you are doing, keep tanning
on a regular basis and enjoy tanning outside. Even with a
good base tan or a little more you still run a risk of getting
burnt due to overexposure while outside. Use a good SPF and
re-apply frequently depending on how long you are planning
on staying out in the Sun. Another good thing I might suggest
you purchase and keep with you is a product known as Insurance
which we have at our stores. Insurance will help you in the
case of you getting a bit sun burnt. It is a marvelous cooling
else I should bring up is if you use SPF you really need
to use an excellent moisturizer. Most SPF products are created
for one thing and that is to keep you from burning. They
are not good skin care products. You need to rehydrate your
skin after being out in the Sun for any length of time. Remember
it would be in your best interests to use a very good lotion
all the time, you will soon be amazed at how nice and soft
your skin feels.
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